NDIS Support
As a registered NDIS provider (4050018792) Akadia Community Care is a specialised nursing service that provides support to individuals, their carers and service providers.
With an experienced team of registered nurses, Akadia Community Care are able to develop, deliver and provide the ongoing monitoring of care plans (including requisite staff training) for a participant with complex care needs.
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Services we provide
Continence assessment and management
Assessment of a participant’s continence needs, provision of a continence management plan and prescription of consumables.
Pressure Care and Wound Management
Development, delivery and monitoring of a pressure care and wound management plan and staff training in skin integrity risks, indicators and response to infections, positioning and turning, identifying and reporting concerns.
Seizure Management
Development, delivery and monitoring of epilepsy management plans and staff training in types of seizures, impact of epilepsy, triggers and symptoms, management of seizures, PRN medication and emergency responses.
Complex Bowel Care
Development, delivery and monitoring of a bowel care plan. Can include information on normal stool appearance, how to identify symptoms that require action, timing of intervention and the action required. Can include staff training in caring for a participant requiring complex bowel care.
Medication management
Development, delivery and monitoring of a range of medication including controlled drugs and staff training in safe administration of medications.
Enteral Feeding and Management
Development, delivery and monitoring of a mealtime preparation and delivery plan for a participant who is reliant on PEG and nasogastric feeding. Can include staff training in anatomy of the digestive system, function, cleaning and maintenance of feeding equipment, feeding supplements, stoma care, safe and effective enteral feeding techniques.
Tracheostomy care
Development, delivery and monitoring of a tracheostomy care plan and staff training in the delivery of the plan. Staff training could include basic anatomy, indicators for tracheostomy, skin and stoma care, risks and indicators of malfunction, suctioning, infection control and reporting concerns.
Ventilation and respiratory care
Development, delivery and monitoring of a care plan to respond to both invasive and non-invasive ventilation and staff training respiratory system anatomy, problems associated with respiration, types of ventilators, potential problems and action required.
Urinary Catheters
Development, delivery and monitoring of a catheter care plan. Could include insertion of indwelling, intermittent and suprapubic catheters and management of a range of drainage systems. Could include staff training in the urinary system, hydration, types of catheters, procedure for intermittent catheterisation, potential complications and appropriate responses to complications.
Subcutaneous Injection
Development, delivery and monitoring of a care plan for subcutaneous injection including use of pens and pumps to administer pre dosed medication and calculating and measuring dosage. Could also include staff training in medication requirements, dose calculation, injection procedure and incident and emergency management.
Diabetes Management
Development, delivery and monitoring of a diabetes management plan and staff training in basic understanding of diabetes, factors that can affect blood sugar levels, variables that affect insulin, site selection and rotation, risks and symptoms of unstable blood sugar levels, complications and reporting process.
Stoma Care
Development, delivery and monitoring of a stoma care plan and staff training in anatomy of the elementary system, skin and stoma care, risks and indicators of malfunction and reporting processes.